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Hello and welcome to my website

Please take some time, seeing if anything speaks to you. 

Do you feel stuck or out of sorts ?

in pain or discomfort?

is sleep not good?

Why Massage ?

Massage is probably the oldest and most natural of all therapies on the planet.

The depth and power of  NO HANDS® Massage.

The Gentle Giant of massage.

The unique feature of both deep and relaxing at the same time. Has to be felt to be believed and those who have experienced it say that it far exceeds the impact of any other form of Massage they have ever received.

Still Why?

  • could you benefit from time out to CONNECT- with your body, with your mind, with you as a person?

  • What about space to unwind, RELEASE tension that builds up and STRETCH and LOOSEN every muscle in your body?

  • Time for some pampering, to feel truly NURTURED? Or how about an invigorating ENERGISING Massage to get things flowing again?

  • No Hands Massage is a Safe professional touch therapy


Take time out...

            …Just feel it

Feel like you again!


call 07870493872

My Contact

3 Grosvenor place






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